Modern TAke on an Old Tradition
Reach out to us to find out how TacklingTorah partners with these incredible Jewish creators!
Rachel Marks @Tallulah Ketubahs
Tallulah Ketubahs
Tallulah Ketubahs offers beautiful contemporary ketubahs, wedding certificates, blessings, and quotes for couples of all backgrounds to enjoy for years to come. Our designs are contemporary and clean, full of rich vibrant color, created to be a central art piece in your home. By working closely with our clients, we are able to help our couples, be they Jewish, Secular, Interfaith, or Same-sex, create meaningful custom works of art. Tallulah Ketubahs proudly offers hand-painted original artwork and custom calligraphy in a range of styles for weddings, anniversaries, other important life-cycle events, and special events.
Babynaming Ketubah designed by Tallulah Ketubahs text wording by Rabbi Elyssa Cherney
Danielle Brief @ HamsaMade
HamsaMade is a sustainable Judaica brand that uses recycled materials and the customers’ own broken keepsakes in each and every hamsa-shaped mosaic. Founded in April 2019, HamsaMade incorporates family heirlooms into custom mosaic art that blends past, present, and future. Planning a wedding? consider HamsaMade for a modern take on breaking the glass!
Danielle is a Philadelphia based mosaic artist. She fuses her passion for product design with her knowledge of the fashion industry. Danielle’s success is based on the joy each custom mosaic brings to her customers, the memories they preserve and the dialogue they start about how we choose to commemorate life’s milestones.
Advah Design up close
Advah Designs Tallitot
Advah Designs was started by Sarah Resnick. Her business started when she wove her first tallit for her brother Caleb's bar mitzvah 7 years ago. From the beginning Advah Designs has been dedicated to creating beautiful Jewish ritual textiles, made ethically and sustainably.
The focus of the textile design is that it celebrates ritual and connection. Sarah believes that taking the time to make moments in life just a little more beautiful has an uplifting and rippling effect in our lives and on our communities.
These Jewish ritual items are great for so many occasions: daily prayer, b’nai mtizvahs, weddings, conversion, babynamings, and more!
Suset tallit
Anna Abramzon Ketubah
Ketubah artist Anna Abramzon’s story: I was fresh out of art school when I moved to beautiful, mysterious Jerusalem, Israel in search of adventure and inspiration --- and quickly met someone who would inspire me for the rest of my life: Patricio. We got engaged 6 days after I arrived! When we started planning our Big Fat Jewish Wedding, I was a bit overwhelmed. The more we dove into the customs and rituals, the more there was to learn.
It was our first lesson in building our modern Jewish family: a Jewish wedding was something that we would have to shape, mold and make our own. I count my blessings every day that I am fortunate enough to work with couples and young families at such incredibly important moments in their lives. Patricio and I now live in Los Angeles with our two daughters, and I ship my art worldwide with free shipping for Rabbi Elyssa’s clients on my website Mazel tov!
Anna Abramzon in her studio
Sonia Gordon-Walinsky with her mother Nina Gordon
Pasuk Art
Sonia Gordon-Walinsky creates personalized Torah artwork that visually links a person's Hebrew or Yiddish name to a verse from Torah. This idea is based on the Kabbalistic tradition of finding and keeping in one's consciousness a verse from Scripture that begins with the first letter of one's name and ends with the last letter of one's name, or otherwise connects to the letter of one's name. This artwork is a very special gift for many occasions: birth, upon being named; b'nai mitzvah (adult b'nai mitzvah), conversion, marriage, anniversary or renewal of vows, career change, graduation, retirement or to honor a departed loved one.
Sonia also collaborates with her mother Nina Gordon to make Blessing and Mindfulness Bowls inspired by ancient incantation bowls from Iraq and Iran. These vessels for prayers and blessings- for healing, mindfulness around eating, love, gratitude and appreciation for the cycle of life. One way to use these bowls is to draw upon the Jewish custom of ritual hand washing before praying, eating bread and upon returning home from a cemetery, and pour water over one's hands (or go around in a circle and pour water over the next person's hands) in a ritual for healing, marking the end of a formal mourning period, grieving a miscarriage or abortion, bringing friends together in a Rosh Hodesh/New Month group, making the commitment to enter marriage or becoming a grandparent.
Sonia also creates blessings for the home, new baby, marriage/engagement/anniversary, as well as healing and illness using words from Jewish tradition to guide these lifecycle and everyday ritual moments.