
Rabbi Elyssa Cherney is the founder and CEO of Tacklingtorah. She was ordained by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. She strives to make life's ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. 

She believes holiness is created by helping people find meaning in their lives at moments especially at moments of transition. That can be a major lifecycle moment: birth, becoming an adult, finding a partner, becoming a parent, and death; or at all the moments in-between. 

Rabbi Elyssa runs the organization Tacklingtorah as a way to connect with others and help people think differently about what role Judaism can play in their everyday lives.  

She works with many individuals, couples and families as a spiritual guide as they navigate their Jewish journey .  When she is not working on creating holiness, Rabbi Elyssa is also a daughter, wife, mother, traveler and car packer extraordinaire.  

Who are holy beings? They are beloved, clear of mind and courageous. Raising their voices in constant gratitude. They marvel at every detail of life. Granting each other loving permission to be exactly who they are. When we listen for their sweet voices, we can hear the echo within our own souls.
— Sheila Peltz Weinberg
It was told of Reb Zusya of Hanipol that he said to his disciples, “When I reach the Gates of Heaven, I will not be asked whether I lived my life as Abraham or as Moses. I will be asked whether I lived my life as Reb Zusya.
— Hasidic tale